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Professor Rajendra Singh Oorja Abhiyan

Keshav Srushti has been developing its campus for multi-disciplinary social service projects, with concern for the environment being the touchstone for any project it has undertaken. In keeping with this thought, Keshav Srushti has launched an ambitious programme under the aegis of Professor Rajendra Singh Oorja Abhiyan.
Vision Professor Rajendra Singh Oorja Abhiyan envisions to inspire people to adopt sustainable energy practices that can lead to energy independence and save mother earth for present and future generations.

To achieve its objective, Professor Rajendra Singh Oorja Abhiyaan (PRSOA) shall:

  • a) Adopt alternative energy practices to move away from the traditional consumption pattern. It will set up a team of experts that will advise it to harness renewable sources at its command like sunlight, water, wind and biomass to generate energy for its various activities.
  • b) Strive to become a catalyst for change by involving experts in the field and helping move knowledge gained in laboratories to the field for common citizens.
  • c) Set up a Knowledge Centre in the campus that would disseminate latest knowledge and information about alternative sources and methodologies of harnessing them. Emphasis will also be laid on publishing new and popular literature in this subject.
  • d) Work on alternative energy education, including courses to encourage people to take up green careers.
  • e) Organize lectures and seminars in educational institutions to educate students about issues like carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, green energy and sustainable environment.
  • f) Undertake awareness activities to spread the message of environment conservation and sustainable energy practices.
  • g) Organize ‘Energy Yatras’ for people to remote places where successful projects have been set up to provide energy to people through alternative sources to convince them about practical solutions to our problems.



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